Bruce Murray Space Image Library

Foil containing 412,627 names installed on Kaguya

Foil containing 412,627 names installed on Kaguya
Foil containing 412,627 names installed on Kaguya On June 5, 2007, JAXA installed a thin piece of metal foil onto the outside of the Kaguya spacecraft. Micro-written on the foil were the names of 412,627 people. The text in the image reads:

Top line: “Wish Upon the Moon” Campaign;
Bold text to upper right: Open application period: 12/1/2006 (Friday) – 2/28/2007 (Wednesday). Soliciting 412,627 people (234,498 from Japan, 178,129 from abroad);
Text in image to the upper left: ~Send your name and message to the moon~ Selene “Wish Upon the Moon” Campaign;
Text in lower right: Size: 280x160 mm Character size: 70 micrometers;
Text in lower left: 1 name sheet set (group of two sheets) attached to two faces of Kaguya. JAXA. Thanks to Kevin Carr for the translation.