Chloride cluster in the chaos terrain in Margaritifer Terra

Chloride cluster in the chaos terrain in Margaritifer Terra
Chloride cluster in the chaos terrain in Margaritifer Terra Chloride cluster in the chaos terrain in Margaritifer Terra (20.74°W, 3.12°S). (a) Chloride deposits are perched above a crater and deep fractures that lie within a 10-km buffer. (b) Chloride deposit (blue tones) in THEMIS-875 decorrelation stretch image; channels are not visible at this resolution (100 m/pixel). (c) Same chloride deposit at CTX resolution (6 m/pixel), where fine channels are visible (white arrow). (d) The chloride deposit appears light purple in HiRISE color, which, when coverage is available, makes it possible to distinguish its boundaries with adjacent light toned fractured units (note greyscale (left) versus color (right) in (d)). A small chloride-filled channel is present in the lower right (white arrow). Chloride has a sharp contact with surrounding units and appears to drape SW–NE trending aeolian bedforms. Ellen K. Leask / Bethany L. Ehlmann