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Albedo comparison Images of Enceladus, the Earth, the Moon, and Comet 67P/C-G, with their relative albedos scaled approximately correctly. The albedos that were used are: 100% for Enceladus, 31% for the Earth, 12% for the Moon, and 5% for 67P/C-G. The images are not however to scale physically. The image of Earth was taken by the OSIRIS camera on Rosetta during the spacecraft’s last flyby past our planet in 2009. NASA / JPL-Caltech / Space Science Institute (Enceladus); ESA / Rosetta / MPS for OSIRIS Team MPS / UPD / LAM / IAA / RSSD / INTA/ UPM / DASP / IDA and Gordan Ugarkovich (Earth); Robert Vanderbei, Princeton University (Moon); ESA / Rosetta / NAVCAM (67P/C-G)