Since 2002, Planetary Radio has visited with a scientist, engineer, project manager, advocate, or writer who provides a unique perspective on the quest for knowledge about our Solar System and beyond. The full show archive is available for free.

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Genesis Returns With a Bit of the Sun

Genesis Returns With a Bit of the Sun

In the Footsteps of Carl Sagan: Neil Tyson of the Hayden Planetarium

In the Footsteps of Carl Sagan: Neil Tyson of the Hayden Planetarium

Encore Presentation: Ray Bradbury's 83rd Birthday Party!

Encore Presentation: Ray Bradbury's 83rd Birthday Party!

Moonwalker Harrison Schmitt Visits Planetary Radio

Moonwalker Harrison Schmitt Visits Planetary Radio

MESSENGER Spacecraft Heads for Mercury

MESSENGER Spacecraft Heads for Mercury

Thunderbirds Director Jonathan Frakes of Star Trek Fame

Thunderbirds Director Jonathan Frakes of Star Trek Fame

Apollo Astronauts Visit Planetary Radio

Apollo Astronauts Visit Planetary Radio

A Visit With NASA Associate Administrator Ed Weiler

A Visit With NASA Associate Administrator Ed Weiler

Cassini-Huygens Reaches Saturn

Cassini-Huygens Reaches Saturn

A SpaceShipOne Special!

A SpaceShipOne Special!

Cassini Visits Phoebe at Saturn!

Cassini Visits Phoebe at Saturn!

Donna Shirley and Science Fiction's New Home

Donna Shirley and Science Fiction's New Home

How's the Weather on Mars?

How's the Weather on Mars?

Hunting for Extrasolar Planets

Hunting for Extrasolar Planets

A Teenager in Space?

A Teenager in Space?

SETI@Home Turns Five!

SETI@Home Turns Five!

Opportunity Reaches Endurance Crater on Mars

Steve Squyres and Phil Christensen discuss Opportunity's latest goal, Endeavour Crater; Emily Lakdawalla knows how to find a spacecraft sailing out beyond Pluto, and Bruce Betts has a lock on a couple of comets.

Charley Kohlhase: Engineer, Artist, Cassini Mission Designer

Charley Kohlhase: Engineer, Artist, Cassini Mission Designer

Ray Bradbury Returns!

Ray Bradbury Returns!

Magnets Roving on Mars

This week we hear about the strategically located magnets on the Mars Exploration Rovers and how are telling us more about the red planet.

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