Planetary Radio • Jan 15, 2013
Visiting the AAS Meeting for a JWST Update and More
On This Episode

Jason Kalirai
Deputy Project Scientist, James Webb Space Telescope for Space Telescope Science Institute

Dean C. Hines
Scientist for Space Telescope Science Institute
Nearly 3,000 astronomers crowded into the 221st meeting of the American Astronomical Society last week. Listen to two samples of the more than 1,900 presentations, and join Mat Kaplan for a James Webb Space Telescope update from Deputy Project Scientist Jason Kalirai and Space Telescope Science Institute researcher Dean C. Hines. Emily and Mat visit the JWST's home, while Bill Nye the Science Guy answers critics of the telescope. NOTE THE LINK TO THE NEW WHAT'S UP! CONTEST ENTRY FORM BELOW. Bill Nye might be answering your phone for you.
Related Links
- 221st Meeting of the American Astronomical Society
- The James Webb Space Telescope
- VIDEO: Bill Nye Explains Multi-Layer Insulation
Trivia Contest
This week's prize is Bill Nye the Science Guy's voice on your answering machine!
This week's question:
What is the ratio of escape velocities between Jupiter and Earth?
To submit your answer:
Complete the contest entry form at no later than Monday, January 21, at 2pm Pacific Time.
Last week's question:
What song by what group begins with the lines, "We had a lot of luck on Venus. We always had a ball on Mars?"
The answer will be revealed next week.
Question from the week before:
Who was the third person planned to perform extravehicular activity (a spacewalk)?
Dave Scott on the Gemini 8 mission.