Stories, updates, insights, and original analysis from The Planetary Society.
Another gorgeous Deep Impact image
The team has just released a really pretty high-resolution view of Tempel 1 just 67 seconds after the impact.
Rockin' to Bill Haley and his Comets
There was a stage set up on the steps of the administration building, and the quad in front of it was filled with JPLers of all ages and descriptions. Rick Grammier and Don Yeomans introduced the band -- five guys, all members of the band since 1953 or earlier, still rockin' and rollin'.
Reflecting on Deep Impact
So yesterday, after covering the Deep Impact press conference at JPL and recording for Planetary Radio, my husband and I drove to his parents' house for an Independence Day barbeque. When I explained the nature of the Deep Impact mission my mother-in-law exclaimed,
Deep Impact live blog
Live blog from the press room at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory as Deep Impact's Impactor meets its fate at the comet....
Deep Impact Comet Crash Produces Great Big Comet Flash
The Deep Impact mission seems to have produced an impact crash beyond the expectations, but not the hopes, of the science team.
Views of Tempel 1
It looks like the European Space Agency was busy overnight -- lots of great Earth- and space- based images of the impact have been appearing on various websites.
Notes from the morning-after press conference
Here in Von Karman auditorium at JPL, as they get ready for the press conference, they are playing
A couple of notes on the Deep Impact images
After the press conference I asked Mike A'Hearn a couple of questions about the raw images we're seeing online.
Quotes from Deep Impact "Pre-Impact Update" press conference at JPL
The panel consists of: Andy Danztler, Solar System Division Director at NASA HQ; Rick Grammier, Deep Impact Project Manager, JPL; Jennifer Rocca, Deep Impact Systems Engineer, JPL; and Mike A'Hearn, Principal Investigator, University of Maryland.
The Deep Impactor is safely on its way!
I woke this morning to find a press release in my Inbox that said:
Deep Impact encounter minus 3 days
OK, I'm in...I arrived at an unusually empty Jet Propulsion Laboratory this morning in advance of the first Deep Impact encounter press conference.
The Mystery of Cosmos 1
I know I've probably disappointed a few people by not having had anything much to say about Cosmos 1 for a while. It's because, well, we haven't had anything much to say.
Cassini-Huygens anniversary
In the midst of all this hoopla about Deep Impact, I haven't been able to give the proper attention to Cassini, which began its second year of operations at Saturn today.
Deep Impact On Course for Comet Crash; Mission Is Already Producing Science Returns
NASA's Deep Impact spacecraft is set for its date with Comet Tempel 1.
The Planetary Society Asks "Where is Cosmos 1?" Received Signals May Have Come from Solar Sail Spacecraft in Orbit
The Planetary Society continues to investigate the mystery of what happened to its Cosmos 1 spacecraft - a joint project with Cosmos Studios - that launched last week on a Russian Volna rocket.
Changes to the Deep Impact encounter timeline
A reader has pointed out that JPL has changed their online press kit for Deep Impact, which was my primary source material for the encounter timeline.
Mars Exploration Rovers Update: Spirit Rocks Independence as Opportunity Celebrates With Road Trip
The Mars Exploration Rovers are still going strong, and both robot field geologists will be working through the July 4th holiday.
News: All of Earth's Eyes Are on Tempel 1 as Deep Impact Zeroes In on Comet...
With four days remaining until Deep Impact crashes into comet Tempel 1, the comet is looming larger and larger in the public view.
Heads up: the Deep Impact encounter is coming up!
Less than a week remains before the Deep Impact mission is set to meet its fate at Tempel 1. A mission like this has been a dream for planetary scientists for a long time.