Emily Lakdawalla • Jan 25, 2012
Geek craft: GRAIL twins Ebb and Flow in plastic canvas
Those of you who follow me on Twitter know that after beginning with Dawn last week, I've kept my fingers busy, stitching more spacecraft from plastic canvas. I now have prototypes for GRAIL, New Horizons, and MESSENGER (though I'm not completely happy with how the last one turned out, and am starting over with a modified design).

Enough people expressed interest in patterns and kits that I have gone ahead and opened a storefront on Etsy (called -- what else? -- SpaceCraft). But since this is my first foray into pattern-writing, I thought I'd begin by making the GRAIL pattern available for download for free (PDF, 1.2 MB). I hope some space geek Makers out there will download and try to follow it, and give me some constructive criticism on how I wrote it!
The only thing currently available at my Etsy store is a GRAIL kit. I'm still working on tweaks to the designs of the others, and will make those patterns and kits available as soon as I'm satisfied with them. And I'm taking requests for future SpaceCraft! I've developed and sewn these spacecraft on my own time -- I'm not charging the Society for the hours and hours it's taken me to work these designs out -- so this is not a Planetary Society product, it's just me. As such I will be restrained in advertising them here, but I'll mention on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ when I've uploaded new designs or kits.
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