Emily Lakdawalla • Sep 30, 2009
Another lunar lander photographed: Surveyor 1!
The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter camera team has managed to capture a view of Surveyor 1, the first American spacecraft to soft-land on another world. Cool!

NASA / Philip Stooke, University of Western Ontario
Lunar Surveyor 1 Panorama: Flamsteed region in Oceanus Procellarum, June 1966
Surveyor 1 was the first spacecraft from the United States to perform a controlled landing on the surface of the Moon, at 2.45 S, 316.79 E. Surveyor 1 took more than 11,100 images of the lunar landscape during its 6-week mission. This panorama was scanned from a photographic print of a hand-assembled mosaic, then digitally reconstructed and cleaned of visual defects by Philip Stooke.Support our core enterprises
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