Emily Lakdawalla • Jan 09, 2009
One last plea for donations
I haven't posted about my fund drive in a bit because I figured people would be preoccupied with December holidays. Donations have matched the $600 challenge issued by the unmannedspaceflight.com moderators, for which I thank you all very much. In total, we've made a few thousand bucks, which will help support the work that I and the other web staff do to keep the information flowing on this website, but of course it's a long way from paying for our costs; we still rely on the constant generosity of our loyal members, whose annual dues and occasional donations keep the Society going. And it is primarily dues and donations that keep us going -- no government funds, and not much in the way of grant funding here; it's individuals joining together in a tens-of-thousands-strong association of space enthusiasts who drive the Society forward, and who are our reason for existence. We here in Pasadena are here to serve as a voice for all our members.
So I'm going to make one last plea for you to donate in whatever amount you think my efforts are worth, whatever you can spare, and I'll wrap up the fund drive next week. Thank you, again, to everyone who's donated already, and thank you also for your patience in putting up with my begging!
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