Emily Lakdawalla • Sep 03, 2008
Phoenix update to sol 97: A new sample for wet chemistry and lots of fun with animations
It's time to catch up with the latest on the Phoenix mission at Mars, now more than a week into its extended mission. As I post this, we're a few hours in to sol 99. When I last checked in, Phoenix had spent a couple of weeks grooming trenches and preparing for sample deliveries. This week, they've delivered one sample to the Wet Chemistry Laboratory, tested out a new delivery method for getting an ice-rich sample into TEGA, and opened another set of TEGA doors. They've also done some neato imaging of the sky, and taken an interesting set of observations of that "Holy Cow" icy area under the lander very close to midnight.
Before I go on, it's probably a good idea for me to post an updated version of the work volume map; the only addition to the map I posted last week is Golden Goose 2.
I haven't heard anything from the mission about how they think the sample delivery went. In any case, they went ahead and opened another set of TEGA doors, the fifth to be opened, oven #1. The oven 1 doors opened the same way that 4 and 7 did -- one door opened completely, the other door partially. They've already demonstrated that they can get a small sample through doors opened in that configuration. Maybe it's time for a map of TEGA, too.
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