Emily Lakdawalla • Jul 03, 2008
GLAST is returning data to Earth
Phil Plait reports that the Gamma-ray Large Area Telescope, or GLAST, is now returning data to Earth! Phil's been kind enough to send traffic my way for my Phoenix coverage; I'm only too happy to send you guys his way for GLAST, since he used to work on the mission -- he knows what he's talking about, and promises to explain the likely strange-looking pictures that will come out later. Chalk up one more active space telescope. And congratulations to Phil for his own recent successful launch, now appearing as a blogger for Discover, a publication I've read since the late '80s.
All missions seem to have their own blogs these days, and GLAST is no exception; you can read the GLAST blog here. One thing I'd be curious to find out is what ever happened to the naming contest they were running for GLAST -- I suppose they didn't receive any suggestions that they liked better than, well, "GLAST.
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