Emily Lakdawalla • Jun 02, 2008
My presentations to the American Astronomical Society sessions on New Media
ANNOUNCEMENT: I will be doing a Ustream chat at 12:00 noon PDT / 19:00 UTC on Wednesday, immediately following the Phoenix press briefing. I'll plan to spend about half an hour on Phoenix and then, if people want to, throw it open to wider topics after that.
- Workshop on "A User's Guide for Plugging into the New Media Community for IYA": My presentation titled "How to Be an Armchair Planetary Scientist", geared toward non-scientists, about 10 MB
- Special session on "My Space, Your Space, and Virtual Space: New Media E/PO": My presentation titled "Passengers on Voyagers of Exploration: The Beautiful and Surprising Work Amateurs Can Do With Raw Image Data from Planetary Missions", geared toward scientists, about 10 MB
- A Zip file containing all images used in both presentations (also 10 MB)
- Phoenix:
- Cassini
- Mars Exploration Rovers
- Tutorials and discussion community
- Planetary Society Space Imaging section (Under construction)
- UnmannedSpaceflight.com
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