Emily Lakdawalla • May 29, 2008
A full panorama and an unstowed arm
A late-night check of the Phoenix image website shows that not only did Phoenix succeed in acquiring all the rest of the images for its first full panorama today, but it also successfully downlinked them all to Earth. Without further ado:
Also, I think that the full-pan view of the one solar panel is very pretty. There's something aesthetically pleasing about the fan-shaped panels. The rovers have their bat wings, and Phoenix has its Asian-inspired fans. Very nice.
Here's an alternative view of the same image, reprojected so that we are looking down on to the lander. You can see how the camera's mast is off-center from Phoenix' deck, so it gets a better view down into the arm's work volume than into the area underneath other parts of the lander. This is the projection you would want to use if you wanted to compare the polygonal patterns in the terrain around the lander to the views from above, from Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.
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