Emily Lakdawalla • Apr 21, 2008
Rocky planets and website problems
I've spent the morning answering emails from visitors who have kindly let us know about the continuing problems with the website, particularly with all the pages involving renewing and donating to us. We're working on the issues, and I'll post a big hallelujah when I can say they've definitely been fixed for good, but in the meantime, all I can say is keep trying, or just give our wonderful staff a call at 1-800-996-7537 (within the US and Canada) or 1-626-793-5100 to join, renew, or make a donation. It really hurts a nonprofit like us not to be able to receive your goodwill -- so I'll hope you'll call if you can't get through on the website.
Most pieces of the informational part of our website are working right now, though, including the Planetary Radio page, where you can download the latest show, an interview with University of Arizona astronomer Michael Meyer about evidence that many or even most of the stars in our galaxy have rocky planets.
I will probably not be posting a lot over the next couple of days -- I want to keep my hands off the various website maintenance tools while the hardworking staff at our hosting company is continuing to work on the problems. I'll take the time to go do some writing and come back to you later this week with some neat stuff!
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