



Stories, updates, insights, and original analysis from The Planetary Society.

Alone in space, but not lonely

Comet Leonard heads out to roam free in interstellar space, alongside rogue planets, their moons, and maybe even life.

Who loves the Sun?

Our host star takes center stage, and JWST demands a little more patience.

A new storm on Saturn!

On March 29, vigilant astronomer Maciel Bassani Sparrenberger discovered that a new bright spot had broken out in Saturn's high northern latitudes.

Saturn and Titan in the Milky Way

An unusual photo of Saturn by astrophotographer Damian Peach shows the planet and its largest moon nestled among the star-filled lane of the Milky Way.

Great whirling Jupiter

Damian Peach's marvelous Jupiter photography, endlessly rotating in GIF form.

WISE Views in Infrared

Amateur image processor Judy Schmidt explains the process of creating gorgeous views of the cosmos from infrared data from the WISE telescope.

Jupiter's changing face, 2009-2015

Damian Peach's photo-documentation of Jupiter helps us monitor the giant planet's ever-changing patterns of belts, zones, storms, and barges, during a time when no orbiting missions are there to take pictures.

I've been asteroided! (274860) Emilylakdawalla

What a great piece of news to receive upon returning home from vacation! There is now a small piece of the solar system named for me: asteroid 274860 has been formally named

Pretty Picture: Three Wanderers

With all the excitement happening on missions criscrossing the solar system, I often forget to enjoy the views of our solar system that we can achieve from home. Amateur astronomers don't make the same mistake. Here's a lovely photo that Stuart Atkinson sent me, captured last night from Kendal, England, showing four special wanderers.

A case of the measles for Jupiter?

Amateur astronomer Christopher Go has found Jupiter to be putting on a fun show for observers: it's sprouting little red spots

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