The Congressional Planetary Science Caucus

Thanks to the leadership of its co-chairs, Representative Don Bacon (R-Nebraska) and Judy Chu (D-California), the Congressional Planetary Science Caucus has officially been re-established in the 118th congress with the following mission:

The Congressional Planetary Science Caucus will serve as an informal group dedicated to uniting Members who support space science, research, and exploration. The goal of the Caucus is to educate Members and advance federal policies that:

  • Support government agencies, commercial partners, academic institutions, and nonprofits in the research and exploration of space.
  • Bolster efforts by space organizations to find, track, characterize, and mitigate the threat of potentially hazardous near-Earth objects.
  • Facilitate the search for life in our Solar System and beyond, answering the fundamental question: are we alone in the Universe?
  • Raise awareness of the economic benefits of federal investments in space science, technology development, and STEM education.

Caucuses must be recognized every two years at the start of the new Congress. The Planetary Science Caucus originally existed from 2018 to 2020 during the 115th and 116th Congresses.

The Planetary Society is proud to be the founding partner of the Congressional Planetary Science Caucus.

118th Congress Caucus Members

The Congressional Planetary Science Caucus is composed of the following officials: House of Representatives:

Don Bacon (Chair)RNE
Judy Chu (Chair)DCA

Don’t see your representative? Write and encourage them to join the Caucus.

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