Björn Jónsson
Björn Jónsson (Iceland) is the developer of the IMG2PNG software, which batch-converts spacecraft image data to PNG format. His website contains simulated views of other planets produced using image maps generated from space image data; most of his image processing work is posted only within unmannespaceflight.com or on this website. (UMSF Moderator: Bjorn Jonsson)
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The color of Uranus and Neptune is similar, but not identical. Uranus appears greener and Neptune bluer.
The Juno spacecraft that is currently orbiting Jupiter has obtained the first good images of Jupiter's polar regions. I am presenting here a combined global map of Jupiter, made from a Cassini map I made for the equatorial and temperate regions and polar maps made from the Juno JunoCam and JIRAM polar images.
The Jovian Infrared Auroral Mapper (JIRAM) instrument can obtain images in two infrared bands. JIRAM can see the nightside of Jupiter (including the winter pole) and takes spectacular animations.