Solar system montage with eight planets

Alison Peck

Former ALMA Commissioning Scientists Team Leader, National Radio Astronomy Observatory

Astronomer Alison Peck of the NRAO has just returned from five years of shuttling between Santiago, Chile and the ALMA Radio Telescope site, where she led a team of ALMA commissioning scientists. 

Latest Planetary Radio Appearances

ALMA Adventure

The first of two shows about Mat Kaplan's journey to Chile's Atacama Desert for the inauguration of the Atacama Large Millimeter small millimter Array, the most ambitious, Earth-based astronomy project in history.

The Gigantic ALMA Radio Telescope in Chile

ALMA will make sharper images than the Hubble Space Telescope, yet it’s a radio telescope! ALMA scientists Alison Peck and Al Wooten tell us about this array of 66 huge dishes in Chile’s Atacama desert.